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Damn. Working on it. I found the button to enable sharing like a month ago, but it's evading me now

Someone asked me for a link to this months ago and I didn't know how to do it. See if this works:

Internals went negative early and

Posted by DigiNomad on 10th of May 2024 at 04:27 pm

Internals went negative early and the day and never looked back. That said, it wasn't convincingly negative.  Need a -3 or below on VOLD to start considering it a trend. 

Great chart. If it was

MACD Divergence on the 60min VIX

Posted by DigiNomad on 10th of May 2024 at 04:22 pm

Great chart. If it was a stock I would buy it on the first sign of life (structure change). 

My comment about "not normal" was not about your chart. I was referring to the underlying market mechanics that led to the chart. I think you understand that but your response seemed like maybe you took my comment as if it was directed at your wasn't.  Great chart. Much appreciated. 

Here's the 1 hour with

MACD Divergence on the 60min VIX

Posted by DigiNomad on 10th of May 2024 at 04:11 pm

Here's the 1 hour with 10/3 setting on MACD.  I don't actually look at this complicated mess during the day....but I do set alerts off various indicators.

Obviously, this divergence on this time frame is complete dog sh*t....for the time being. Maybe forever...but over time things tend to cycle back and forth from working great to not working....and then back again. Trend is key and the Fed is absolutely putting it's boot on the neck of the VIX right now. Counter trend trades are always lower probability. 

Hahahaha. That chart looks completely normal. Nothing to see here! 

Makes sense that this alert failed.  Fed put is VIX kryptonite. 

VIX - it looks like

Posted by DigiNomad on 10th of May 2024 at 03:45 pm

VIX - it looks like it's going to keep up the perpetual crash but this alert argues differently. Interesting. 

Not a natural look. All

Posted by DigiNomad on 10th of May 2024 at 03:38 pm

Not a natural look. All the bottoming tails, etc. Just weird...manipulated. But overall, I'd have to say bear flag? 


Seriously looking to create a currency dilution basket though. I'm able to essentially create custom funds in IBKR and then make allocations to the fund from individual accounts or groups of accounts.  So, If I put GLD, GDX, SLV, GDXJ, URA, XLU and set a percentage of each (totalling 100% in the fund) then I can allocate say 7% to that fund from accounts.  

Weird. Try asking your favorite

Posted by DigiNomad on 10th of May 2024 at 03:18 pm

Weird. Try asking your favorite AI to create / suggest a basket of stocks that benefit from USD currency dilution. 

Total choke so far on my side. Not close - nonsensical answers. How is this not a thing? Did I stumble on the only worthwhile ETF idea that hasn't been created already? Is AI so biased that it doesn't even want to help on this question?

Kashkari on CNBC just now said if the job of getting down to 2% inflation is all on monetary policy then we really need to look at how tight policy is. That's as close as the FED is going to get these days to hinting that fiscal has a responsibility. He basically said it but he didn't have the balls to really say it. None of them do.

I'm an inflation hawk, but They actually do need to cut rates at this point. Higher rates are contributing to inflation and exacerbating the wealth Gap problem because rich people and very well off companies that don't have to go to the debt markets are pulling great yield on their cash.  But JPOW has proven to be completely spineless and won't point fingers where they belong (fiscal) and admit that they have lost control with rates and higher rates would only cause more inflation, not less. He's completely caved to political pressure, unlike previous fed Chiefs who would have called out and did call out the fiscal side in situations like this. He's very weak and allowing the administration and Congress to point fingers at the Fed without so much as a yeah, but also.... 

They're not going to cut rates because the political narrative would be too complicated and they would have to admit that they lost control and it's up to the fiscal side now. I Don't see that happening. The charade will continue.

Fiat system is so weird.

Posted by DigiNomad on 10th of May 2024 at 01:21 pm

Fiat system is so weird. The Gov doesn't have to issue debt to print more money. I think the practice is mostly maintained so that there is a mechanism for foreign countries to send their capital to us in exchange for interest payments. But have you ever wondered if they slip in a few hundred billion dollars here and there without an associated debt issuance? How would anyone know? They're just adding zeros to ledgers.  It would be a huge scandal for lenders to the US around the world if they found out about it, but how would they find out? Just thinking loud on a slow market day...I really have no idea if there's a way to track or not. I do know that issuing debt is not actually required to print more currency.

Almost said the quiet part out loud - the fed has lost the ability to push down due to fiscal dominance. They can goose inflation higher with lower rates but they have lost the ability to slow things down (They didn't exactly lose it - it's been forcibly taken from them)

Elf back on the shelf..

It's say crazy stuff about

Posted by DigiNomad on 10th of May 2024 at 11:47 am

It's say crazy stuff about raising every tax you can think of season. Market doesn't even budge on the headlines because everyone knows it's ridiculous and just pandering to the communist youth voting block. If anyone took Biden and Brainard at their word, the market would be down 25%.  I don't know how they even keep a straight face when they're saying this stuff (Botox probably helps).


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