Consider this - a "perfect"

    Posted by DigiNomad on 3rd of May 2024 at 04:37 pm

    Consider this - a "perfect" outcome for the central planners right now would be able to print money,  redistribute wealth and DEFLATE asset prices at the same time (it's not as crazy as it sounds...they really do want asset prices to go lower). That is absolutely leftist policy outcome nirvana.   It's completely impossible in practice, because, umm...math and human nature intervene... but that's how society ends up in these pickles time and time again. Every culture that comes along thinks they can print money, redistribute and not inflate...all of them, without exception, throughout history...and it never ever ever works. But they never ever ever stop trying.

    *If they didn't want asset prices to go lower, they would have eased interest rates a LONG time ago. It's a primary but unstated goal at times like these. 


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