The community is delayed by three days for non registered users.

Currently no, but that is a feature instagram and twitter have so it's probably a decent idea. We will look at adding it. In the meantime you could simply create a bookmark using your browser.

Should be fixed now, thanks for flagging that for us.

Sorry, you're correct, i'm thinking of the revamped stuff we've been doing for the upcoming STS premium section which uses the stop as a hard stop. 

Currently we're manually updating the STS table using the radar screen feature in tradestation, it's something that impacts Matt's trading, we're looking at getting another account just for data and once we do we'll have more options.

KRE would have stopped out though if the LOD was below the current STS.

huh, well if you see it happening again please let me know and I'll spend some time looking into it.

Showing up as responses to me. Do you have an example post?

It's like it says in the description, silver only allows data sharing for security purposes while platinum allows data sharing for targeted advertisements. Google adsense respects these levels, it also interacts with browsers "do not track" feature if you have that enabled.

People have questions about our

Posted by James_Roe on 2nd of Jan 2024 at 03:32 pm

People have questions about our GDPR popup that started appearing today. Google has changed policies around adsense requiring any website that uses tracking to allow opt out of tracking cookies. As a result we've had to implement a cookie popup, you should only need to interact with this popup once per year as your settings will be saved on each device you access the website from.

Appologies for any confusion but we didn't really have a choice other than to implement this feature.

The initial stop on the

lol ...

Posted by James_Roe on 13th of Dec 2023 at 03:26 pm

The initial stop on the most recent SPY entry was 6.2%, if you invested 10% of your portfolio you would only be risking .62% of your total equity on the trade, and you would now be up 14% on the trade, or 1.4% on your portfolio.

The Trend Pullback trade exited

mean reversion systems

Posted by James_Roe on 12th of Oct 2023 at 05:13 pm

The Trend Pullback trade exited at the close today at 4380.75 on @MES

ES RSI Oversold has also

mean reversion systems

Posted by James_Roe on 27th of Sep 2023 at 05:11 pm

ES RSI Oversold has also taken a first entry at 4,321.75.

This trade has a PF of 250.07, but with only 17 trades it's not a super common one. Total percent profitable is 88.24%

This issue has now been resolved, you no longer need to refresh to see updates to your favorites list.

Yeah that favorites refresh issue is on my todo.

You just have to click favorites, it doesn't show up unless you're on the favorites tab.

Yeah, it's just on for admin users because I'm still styling it.

Matt jumped the gun. Will be up in about an hour probably.

We are making a few

Posted by James_Roe on 6th of Jul 2023 at 06:48 pm

We are making a few changes to how we import data to the STS table to support future features, and as a result updates will be later today than normal, probably another hour and a half or so.

I apologize for the inconvenience.

Give it a shot now,

STS tables - TSLA hit its STS

Posted by James_Roe on 26th of Jun 2023 at 06:56 pm

Give it a shot now, should be working, I broke something when I added the popular tab over the weekend, apologies. 

We only check prices every 5 - 10 minutes intraday and it was only above the trigger point for a few minutes. Maybe it would be better to use high prices rather than current prices on the checks, but it's not an issue that happens very often so we haven't looked at it before.


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